6 steps for navigating unpredictability
The world is increasingly moving in unexpected ways. Are you moving with it? Fast enough? Is the world outside your organisation changing faster than inside? Is your outside world changing faster than your inner capacity to be agile? Are you and your team adapting fast enough? These questions I ask of myself and of the leaders and teams we develop at Full Potential Group. Sparked by a groundbreaking session by Frans Johansson at the global ICF conference in Prague. The 6 steps of his new model for navigating unpredictability are:
- Always look for opportunities to change the rules of the game- question your assumptions and ensure you have diverse perspectives to reframe your thinking
- Draw inspiration from fields and cultures other than your own-leverage expertise and fine the sweet spot intersection between different perspectives and experiences
- Place more bets and try more ideas. All new ideas are combinations of existing ideas. Picasso experimented with 50,000 works of art. How many experiments are you trying?
- Rethink the role of experience and expertise- don’t fix yourself and your team in a restricted box, expand your thinking and perspectives and add team members with different experiences
- Inclusion unleashes new levels of innovative potential. Initiate the rise of diverse and inclusive teams
- Manage your risks but double down on a winning hand. Your reputation, money and resources are always at stake, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Take the smallest executable step SES now! 2-4 week actions are most effective when the world moves so fast.
What 3 actions will you take to make the biggest difference in the next 4 weeks?