William Hill: Maximising performance through building talent
The Challenge
Following the introduction of a new performance management process and a review of managerial development requirements, William Hill recognised the need to create a fundamental shift in perspective amongst its leaders to embrace a whole new level of management capability, transforming focus from operational ‘task’ to more strategic behavioural leadership and development of people.
The Solution
Full Potential Group worked in partnership with William Hill to develop a number of integrated performance management programmes aimed at providing managers with the necessary skills to effectively lead, influence and coach their people, a practical and relevant coaching programme for the business was created. FPG worked closely with the senior management team as sponsors of the new approach. To maximise the cost-effectiveness of the programme, and to ensure long-term sustainability, FPG up-skilled a core group of leaders and managers across the business to actively role model coaching. These people worked with FPG to develop their own capability so that they could facilitate the programme as it was rolled out across the business.
The Results
Full Potential Group (FPG) initially delivered the programme to over 120 managers before William Hill licensed facilitators to cascade the programme to a further 135 managers over the course of two years. The coaching programme proved very popular, attendance was on a voluntary basis, with spaces filling up within 48 hours of advertisement. There was a buzz created around the coaching programmes, with many managers telling their peers and senior reports that it had been the ‘best development programme they’d ever attended’. The highest performing part of the business has been the area with the highest attendance on the coaching programme. To measure progress in terms of shifting behaviours, William Hill captured information via questionnaires completed before, during and after each coaching workshop to gauge how much time managers were spending on the doing and how much time they were spending on managing. “What we liked about Full Potential Group was their highly-pragmatic, instantly useable ‘coaching in the moment’ non-theoretical approach, firmly linked to business results. FPG are a great fit for William Hill.” If you would like to talk to us about integrated performance management programmes, please call us on 01628 488990 or use our contact us form. For more information on William Hill, please visit their website at www.williamhill.com.